Thursday, September 29, 2011

Family | Hendrickson's

Just a sneak peak...I have SO many faves from this session.  Check back soon for the full post!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mini Sessions are BACK!!! Book soon, they are going fast!


Ok, so Kelsey, not quite sure what to say here...

I went home and started editing these and I almost fell over...Are you really only a SENIOR! GORG!! Gorgeous that is!

Thank you Kelsey and Johanna for a fun time during your session...I've never been to so many amazing houses/locations in one day! 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Ok Rach...your babies are beyond stinkin adorable.  I LOVE THEM!

More to come very soon!

Family|Webb Grandchildren

A beautiful afternoon, a pile of animal crackers, a glass of the AMAZING "Sweet B****" Merlot wine (You are MISSING OUT if you haven't tried it yet), kids down for an afternoon nap, oven set to self clean, a new "Paula Dean- Baked French Toast" candle (from the ever disloved wally world) burning , and about an hour to myself to get crackin' on some much needed editing time!!!

I'll leave you with this peek at the Webb grand babies!  Diane and Wes you have been blessed.

Monday, September 12, 2011

GE Cheerleaders

I spent Saturday morning with a stunning bunch of young ladies...the Glenville Emmons Cheer Squad.  They were the nicest bunch of girls that were the perfect example for what a cheer squad should be.  Here is just a preview of what's to come from this session!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Here's my beautiful friend Fallon and her wonderful little family!

Aren't they SO cute and SO happy!  Evan is such a little man.  Maybe some time in the near future there will be pictures for another occasion!! 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's gonna be a HOT one today!

It reminded me of the LOVELY day that we had when little Jack Jack had his session.  Although the weather was SO HOT he was lookin' SO KOOL!

PS- thanks to everyone for booking your sessions before they are all gone for the year!  One more weekend of vacation then it's pretty much pictures from here on out!!  I can't wait! 

Enjoy the heat- try to BE KOOL!